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Monday 1 Jun 2020    French Recipes & more!

A Go-To Glossary of French Cuisine

A go-to vocabulary guide for those who love to be a little French in the kitchen!

As you will know if you follow our newsletter, every month we bring you a little selection of French vocabulary related to the wonderful world of food, drink, cooking and cuisine for the many francophiles among you. So this month we thought we would start to gather all that French into one handy place so that whenever you want to learn a little culinary Français you can stop by and pick up a little vocab! 

We'll be adding to this as we go along, and don't hesitate to let us know if you'd like to see anything particular added! We want this to be as useful as possible as a resource for you!



Pépites de chocolat - Chocolate chips

Sucre Glace - Icing / confectioner's sugar

La Vanille - Vanilla 

Sel - Salt

Poivre - Pepper

Farine - Flour

Lait - Milk

Beurre - Butter

Huile - Oil

Oeufs - Eggs

Sucre - Sugar

Levure - Yeast 

Levain - Homemade yeast



La plaque de cuisson - Baking Sheet

Le Tamis - Sieve

Pate brisée - Shortcrust pastry

Rouleau à pâtisserie - Rolling pin

Pate Feuilletée - Puff pastry 

La Pâte - The dough

Le couteau - The knife 

La fourchette - The fork 

La cuillère - The spoon  

La tasse - The cup

La nappe - The table cloth

Le fouet - The whisk

La balance - The scale  

L'assiette (f) - The plate 

Le bol - The bowl

La casserole - The pan

La poêle - The frying pan

In the Kitchen


La cuisine - The kitchen

Le four - The oven

Le réfrigérateur - The fridge

Le placard - The cupboard

La cuisinière - The stove

Le micro-ondes - The microwave

L'évier - The sink

Le lave-vaisselle - The dishwasher

Le plan de travaille - The kitchen counter

La passoire - The colander / strainer



Laver - To wash

Remuer - To stir

Découper - To cut

Couper - To chop

Réchauffer - Heat



La bière - Beer

Le tire-bouchon - The corkscrew

Le cidre - Cider

Un pichet - A pitcher, usually of wine

Avec des glaçons - With ice cubes

Le vin - Wine

The Perfect Steak


Bleu – Seared for one minute on each side - extremely rare. 

Saignant – This literally means 'bloody' and is still a very rare steak. This stays in the pan slightly longer once flipped over.

À point – This is still quite a rare steak by the American or British standards, but in a French restaurant this is really as well-cooked as most French chefs would want to go. But it's your steak! So if you want, go ahead and order it...

Bien cuit – This literally means well cooked, but there will still be some pink in the middle of the meat. 

Foodie Phrases


Ç'était très bon, c'était excellent, c'était delicieux - It was very good / excellent / delicious

Ça sent bon - It smells good!

L'addition, s'il vous plaît - The bill, please. 

Central Paris Location

Last Minute Course Places

31 Mar 2025

  • French Baking Classes / French Baguettes and ‘Boulangerie’ Class
  • Three hours of French Bread heaven in the heart of Paris. Learn the tips and tricks to bring the French 'boulangerie' to 'chez vous'!

  • La Cuisine Paris, 80 Quai de l'Hôtel de Ville, 75004 Paris     Time: 14:15 - 17:15
  • Price: €119.00     Availability: 1 place left

2 Apr 2025

  • French Baking Classes / French Baguettes and ‘Boulangerie’ Class
  • Three hours of French Bread heaven in the heart of Paris. Learn the tips and tricks to bring the French 'boulangerie' to 'chez vous'!

  • La Cuisine Paris, 80 Quai de l'Hôtel de Ville, 75004 Paris     Time: 9:45 - 12:45
  • Price: €119.00     Availability: 5+ places left

4 Apr 2025

  • French Technical Classes / Mastering Classic French Sauces
  • Three hours of mastering the French Classic Mother Sauces - the grand canon of Cuisine Française. We’ll tackle emulsions, roux, reductions and more!

  • La Cuisine Paris, 80 Quai de l'Hôtel de Ville, 75004 Paris     Time: 14:00 - 17:00
  • Price: €119.00     Availability: 3 places left

4 Apr 2025

  • French Baking Classes / Le Croissant & Breakfast Pastries
  • The 'Roi' of the Parisian breakfast table, Le Croissant ! Enjoy three hours of mastering this decadent, flaky, buttery French icon.

  • La Cuisine Paris, 80 Quai de l'Hôtel de Ville, 75004 Paris     Time: 10:00 - 13:00
  • Price: €119.00     Availability: 1 place left

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If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call on +33 (0)1 40 51 78 18 or email contact@lacuisineparis.com    Click here for further contact details