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Thursday 31 Jan 2019    French Recipes & more!

From Bayonnaise to Mayonnaise via Mahon-aise...

So you think you know Mayonnaise? Think again! Read all about it, then make your own using our very own Mayo recipe.

When is mayonnaise not mayonnaise? How about when it's Mahon-aise? Or Magnonnaise? Do you prefer Moyeunaise? Or Bayonnaise? Sure, it might sound as though I'm just throwing the word "Mayonnaise" into an alphabet blender and seeing what pours out, but all these variations are actually legitimate suggestions for the origin of the ubiquitous condiment we now know and love as Mayonnaise. The truth? Nobody knows the truth! But here are the top theories...

Mahon-aise - In 1756 during the Seven Years War, the French laid siege to the port of Mahon in Minorca and swiped it from under the English. In celebration, Mahon-aise was created by the French and named in honour of the victory. 

Magnonnaise - The chef Antoine Careme - pioneer of haute cuisine - called his own mayonnaise Magnonnaise, which for English speakers is a bit of a mouthful. In his version of events, this term has its roots in manier, meaning "to stir", which referenced the constant stirring of mayonnaise as you make it. 


Bayonnaise - Well why not? There is a town in the Basque region called Bayonne, and somewhere along the way the theory goes that strong accents transformed the B into an M and voilà - eventually Bayonnaise became Mayonnaise. This was certainly the preferred theory of Alexandre Balthazar Laurent Grimod de la Reyniere (good grief what a name!) who considered the options and decided that a) Mayonnaise wasn't a French word (and therefore rejected it on principle), and b) nothing worth eating had ever come out of Mahon. For him, Bayonnaise had to be the answer. 

Then there is Moyeunaise , which relies on the old French word moyeu, meaning egg yolk. Why not? C'est possible

Whatever its etymology, the popularity of Mayonnaise is one thing that's not up for debate. No fridge is complete without a jar of the stuff, but have you ever made your own? If you've never tasted the difference between store-bought and homemade mayonnaise, it's time to join the revolution! Mayonnaise takes just five ingredients and a few minutes to make, so let's get go - you'll never look back!


Serves 4-6

3 egg yolks

5 ml mustard

20 ml vinegar or lemon juice

300 ml vegetable oil

Salt & Pepper

  • In a bowl, combine the yolks, vinegar, mustard, salt and pepper.
  • Whisk until pale and thick.
  • Gradually add the oil in a thin stream, whisking constantly until thick.
  • Correct the seasoning.

Central Paris Location

Last Minute Course Places

14 Mar 2025

  • Evening Classes / French Hors d'Oeuvres & Drinks!
  • Join us for this quintessential pre-dinner social experience as you create beautiful hors d’oeuvres and other small appetizers!

  • La Cuisine Paris, 80 Quai de l'Hôtel de Ville, 75004 Paris     Time: 15:00 - 18:00
  • Price: €129.00     Availability: 3 places left

14 Mar 2025

  • French Market Tour and Cooking Class / Marché Monge
  • Spend the morning like the locals, with a typical Parisian experience. A full immersion in to French culture with a French Market Tour followed by a hands-on French Cooking Class right in the heart of Paris !

  • Meet outside of Metro Station ‘Place Monge’ on metro line 7. Upon exiting the Metro, please take exit ‘Sortie 1 (Escalator) : Place Monge’     Time: 9:30 - 13:30
  • Price: €189.00     Availability: 4 places left

17 Mar 2025

  • French Baking Classes / Le Croissant & Breakfast Pastries
  • The 'Roi' of the Parisian breakfast table, Le Croissant ! Enjoy three hours of mastering this decadent, flaky, buttery French icon.

  • La Cuisine Paris, 80 Quai de l'Hôtel de Ville, 75004 Paris     Time: 14:15 - 17:15
  • Price: €119.00     Availability: 5+ places left

17 Mar 2025

  • French Technical Classes / Mastering Classic French Sauces
  • Three hours of mastering the French Classic Mother Sauces - the grand canon of Cuisine Française. We’ll tackle emulsions, roux, reductions and more!

  • La Cuisine Paris, 80 Quai de l'Hôtel de Ville, 75004 Paris     Time: 14:30 - 17:30
  • Price: €119.00     Availability: 3 places left

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