Everyday Dorie
Dorie Greenspan
Let's start with one of the books we are so very much looking forward to ! Another addition to the Delightful Dorie Greenspan's repertoire of amazing books!
Featuring more than 125 recipes, Dorie shares all her inspiration for "everyday food with verve."
Find it here
Drink French
David Lebovitz
Get your hands on Drinking French : The Iconic Cocktails, Apéritifs, and Café Traditions of France, with 160 Recipes! As Willy Wonka says - Candy is dandy, but liqour is quicker. Find out more here.
Incidentally if you're looking for English-speaking bookstores in Paris check out our Handy Map on the subject here.
The New Parisienne
Lindsey Trumata
Lindsey Tramuta, author of The New Paris, has added follow-up book to our future bookshelves (delayed but on the way!): The New Parisienne. Find out all about it here.
Apollonia Poilâne
Full of beautiful photos that will transport you straight in to Apollonia's world of one of the most famous Boulangeries in Paris. This book is a must for the bread lover, and if you keep an eye open, you might be able to spot Apollonia doing a little on-line tutorial or two!
Tasting Paris
Clothilde Dusoulier
One of the stars of our foodie bookshelves, Clothilde Dusolier brings us "100 Recipes to Eat Like a Local" in her latest book, Tasting Paris. Full of inspiring photographs and innovative recipes, we couldn't wait to get our hands on a copy and try out Turkish Lamb Flatbreads, Baked Camembert with Honey and Apple Cider and Vanilla Ice Cream Puffs with Chocolate Sauce. As the French say, miam miam!
The Lost Vintage
Ann Mah
Available at http://www.annmah.net/books/
The Lost Vintage is about an ancestral Burgundy vineyard, a lost diary, an unknown relative, and a family secret kept since World War II. "I first visited Burgundy in 2010 to research an article on Thomas Jefferson's favorite vineyards in France," Ann explains in her recent starring role in our Ask A Local blog post. "The minute I set foot in the region, I was captivated by the vine-covered slopes and charming villages. And if I sensed ghosts there, hovering amid the beauty, they only added to my fascination. I think the seed for this novel was planted then. A few years later, I volunteered at "les vendanges," the annual grape harvest, at AR Lenoble in Champagne. It was an unforgettable experience of physically demanding work, community, and a possibly haunted guest room? I kept a journal and this story was born from those wild scribblings."
Patisserie Made Simple
Edd Kimber
We love everything Edd Kimber - this classic Patisserie Made Simple remains a favorite to work from. You may remember Edd's charming face from the Great British Bake Off...and his kitchens have been cooking up a storm ever since!
Be sure to check out his very active Instagram account for more baking fun!
Don't Be A Tourist In Paris
The Messy Nessy Chic Guide
Messy Nessy Chic - The Cabinet of Curiosities, is a quirky sensation of a blog, attracting an avid readership thanks to its wonderful collection of tips and tales. Now, the Messy Nessy Chic guide, Don't Be A Tourist In Paris showcases all the very best (and least known) address in the city, as well as underrated museums, glimpses of historic Paris, a suburban Paris ghost town, Paris movies, budget options and real Q&As from readers! Like the blog which started it all, this is a real cabinet of curiosities.
In the French Kitchen with Kids
Mardi Michels
Welcome to the world this lovely book, perfect for the little chef! "Twice a week during the school year, you'll find Mardi Michels--French teacher and well-known blogger behind eat. live. travel. write--directing up to a dozen children in her school's science lab as they slice, dice, mix, knead and, most importantly, taste. Whether they're learning to make an authentic ratatouille tian or tackling quiche made with pastry from scratch, Mardi's students can accomplish just about anything in the kitchen once they put their minds to it." Welcome to the fun and fantastic world of In the French Kitchen with Kids!!!
The New Paris
Lindsay Tramuta
Food and travel writer Lindsey Trumata shares an exciting view of Paris with her beautiful book, The New Paris. It's not just us that love it, David Lebovitz sums up the wonderful world that Lindsey opens up for us...
“As the culinary scene in Paris evolves, a new palate of flavors and styles of eating have emerged, redefining what is “French cuisine.” The New Paris documents these changes through the lens of bakers, coffee roasters, ice cream makers, chefs, and even food truck owners. A thoughtful, and delicious, look at how Paris continues to delight and excite the palates of visitors and locals.”— David Lebovitz, author of My Paris Kitchen
David Lebovitz
When it comes to one of our favourite Paris chefs and the ultimate French food blogger, no-one explains David Lebovitz's book better than the man himself.
"After a decade of living in Paris, it was time to make my dream come true: To own my own home in Paris, complete with my dream kitchen. Undertaking such a task anywhere can be overwhelming, but doing so in a city with unique customs, and having to learn a brain-draining amount of vocabulary for bank terms, hardware, tools, appliances, and fixtures, was a lesson in patience and perseverance. (Or some might say, a recipe for disaster!) L’appart tells the story, an uproarious comedy of errors, of making my home in Paris, seasoned with a soupçon of delicious recipes."