This month we talk to Christian Holthausen, one of our favorite people in the champagne world!
Ask a Local
Heading out for a picnic in Paris? Here are our top tips of where to do your picnic shopping!
Things to do in Paris
Introducing the new must-try pastry shop in the neighbourhood!
Things to do in Paris
It's that time of year when we start to think about the perfect French holiday gifts for those on our list (including ourselves!) We've put together our list of top picks that we love to give and receive !
Things to do in Paris
Introducing our annual run-down of fun and festivity at Paris' Christmas markets 2018!
Things to do in Paris
Our favorite time of the year, the Paris Fashion Week of pastries arrives when the Bûche de Noël arrives ! France's answer to the most beautiful Yule Log you can imagine !
Following 85 years of beautiful bread-making, Poilâne opens a new store next to the green slopes of the Parc des Butte-Chaumont
Things to do in Paris, Ask a Local
Nothing says Winter in France like baked French Fromage Dishes - along with Cripsy Bread of course!
Expect lots of cheesy meal suggestions, Baked French Fromage recipes, and a dash of history thrown in!
The Cheese Guide